It is approximately 5/12.More precisely, it can be 150/365, 151/365, 152/366, 153/365 or 153/366 depending on whether of not the February of a leap year is included.
It is 5/12 of a year
A benchmark fraction is one that you can remember easily. In the context of time (hours in a day, months in a year, inches in a foot) 5/12 is a convenient fraction.
It is: 10/12 = 5/6 simplified
Three Months.
5 months is 41.'6'% of a year recurring '6'
It is 5/12 of a year
A benchmark fraction is one that you can remember easily. In the context of time (hours in a day, months in a year, inches in a foot) 5/12 is a convenient fraction.
5/4 of a year.
15 months/half year = 15 months/6 months = 15/6 = 5/2
It is: 10/12 = 5/6 simplified
A year is 52 weeks. 5 weeks is 5/52 of one year.
The answer would depend on what period of time you are wanting to express, but let us suppose, for example, the unit was years. You would write this as 15/12 of a year. You could then simplify this to 5/4 of a year or 1 1/4 years.
Three Months.
one year = 12 months 5 years = 60 months
Well, honey, 15 months is just 1 year and 3 months. So if we want to express that as a fraction of a year, we can say it's 1 + 3/12 years, which simplifies to 1 + 1/4 years. Math can be a real hoot sometimes, can't it?
There are 12 months in one year. Therefore, 60 years is equal to 60 x 12 = 720 months.