In decimal, 7/8 is .875
In decimal, 14/15 is .9333 (threes go on forever)
78 is 78/1 in fraction.
.78 = 39/50
78% is 0.78 as a decimal and 39/50 as a simplified fraction
It is simply: 78/1
78% = 78/100 or 39/50
7/8 is bigger than 13/15 7/8 = 105/120 13/15= 104/120 thus, 7/8 is bigger than 13/15
78 is 78/1 in fraction.
78 out of 780 as a fraction = 78/780 or 1/10
78% = 39⁄50
78 is bigger than 34
80 is 2 bigger than 78
78/1 That is the answer
78 + 34 is 112, which is an integer, not a fraction.
.78 = 39/50
78% is 0.78 as a decimal and 39/50 as a simplified fraction
It is simply: 78/1
20 percent off 1415 = 113220% off of 1415= 20% discount applied to 1415= 1415 - (20% * 1415)= 1415 - (0.20 * 1415)= 1415 - 283= 1132