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Q: What fraction is smaller than 1-8?
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When squaring a fraction smaller than one the resulter will be?

smaller than the fraction you started with.

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What is a smaller fraction than 14?

13 1/2 is a smaller fraction.

When the number of a fraction is smaller then denominator?

When the numerator of a fraction is smaller than the denominator, that's a proper fraction.

Did you mean there are 18 students in mrs Chan's class eight of these students are boys which class has a smaller fraction of boys than in mrs Chan's class?

there are 18 students in mrs Chan's class eight of these students are boys which class has a smaller fraction of boys than in mrs Chan's class?

Is 30 over 100 greater than 18 over 50?

Expressed as a decimal fraction, 30/100 is equal to 0.3. Expressed as a decimal fraction, 18/50 is equal to 0.36. Therefore, 30/100 is six hundredths smaller than 18/50.

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2/3 is smaller than 6/7.6/7 = 18/212/3 = 14/21thus, 2/3 is smaller than 6/7.

Is the fraction 34 smaller than 45?

34 is not a fraction, neither is 45. but 3/4 is smaller than 4/5 and 1/34 is smaller than 1/45 and 0.34 is smaller than 0.45...

When the numerator of a fraction is smaller than the denominator is it a fraction?


When the numerator of a fraction is smaller than the denominator it is an?

Regular fraction

A fraction with a numerator smaller than the denominator?

A Proper Fraction

When the numerator of a fraction is smaller than the denominator it is a?

It is a proper fraction and if the numerator > denominator than it is an improper fraction.