2/3 is Less than 3/4
23 is a prime and so its only factors are 1 and 23. The product will be smaller than 23 but it is not possible to be certain how the product will compare with 1.
34 is not a fraction, neither is 45. but 3/4 is smaller than 4/5 and 1/34 is smaller than 1/45 and 0.34 is smaller than 0.45...
You will get a number - whole or fraction - whose magnitude will be smaller than the original.
That's a proper fraction.
2/3 is Less than 3/4
23 is a prime and so its only factors are 1 and 23. The product will be smaller than 23 but it is not possible to be certain how the product will compare with 1.
smaller than the fraction you started with.
23/83 is one of infinitely many possible answers.
13 1/2 is a smaller fraction.
23 is smaller than 57 ... 57-23=34
When the numerator of a fraction is smaller than the denominator, that's a proper fraction.
Regular fraction
A Proper Fraction