76% = 76/100 = 19/25 = 0.76
for a fraction to a decimal, you divide the numerator by the denominator. 9/10=.90. for percent what ever the decimal is, the percent is. .76=%76
76% = 76/100 = 19/25
69/76 = 690/760
200*76/100 = 15200/100 = 152/1
60.8% = 76/125
It is 76/1000, which can be simplified.
76 % as a fraction!!! Remember the percent sign )%) means over '100' Hence 76% = 76/100 Since 76 & 100 are both even numbers, cancel down by '2' Hence 76/100 = 38/50 Cancel down again by '2' 19/25 is the fraction.
The percent equivalent is 12.5%. The fraction equivalent is 1/8.