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Roughly a third.

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Q: What fraction of your lives you spend sleeping?
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Related questions

What fraction of day do you spend sleeping?

The average fraction of the day one spends sleeping is 3/8.

What fraction of your lives are spent sleeping?

Roughly 1/3

Can you spend Shabbat sleeping?


How do elephants spend their time?

Eating and Sleeping

When do cicadas sleep?

Cicadas spend most of their lives sleeping. They wake up for a few weeks, mate and then die. They only show up every 13 or 17 years.

Do fish spend most of their time looking for food?

No they do not they spend most of their time sleeping.

What fractional part of a day do you spend sleeping if you sleep 8 hours a day?

Since there are 24 hours total in a day, and you spend 8 hours a day of sleeping, then 8/24 = 1/3. So approximately 33 percent or 1/3 of the day you spend sleeping.

How do muslim's spend their lives?

Working, eating, sleeping, shopping, cooking, enjoying their leisure, doing the housework and praying when their religion requires it - a bit like most other religious believers, really.

Do coral spend their adult lives as medusas yes or no?

It is a false belief that corals spend their adult lives as medusas. Corals spend their adult lives as polyps.

How does a panda spend its time?

Eating bamboo, sleeping and stuff.

What percent of the day do newborns spend sleeping?

seventy percent

Where does a sloth spend most of its time?

Sloths spend the majority of their time hanging upside down from tree branches in the rainforests of Central and South America. They are well adapted to this arboreal lifestyle and move very slowly to conserve energy.