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the add/subtract/multiply/divide tables. also try the money/time games. i hope this helps you =) good luck getting those points!

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Q: What game gives you the second most stickers in first in math?
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Which game gives you the most stickers on first in math the fastest and easiest?


What game get you 20 stickers on first in math?

know and show word problem get u 20 stickers on first in math. This is the you get 24 stickers on ks. any ks

How do you get a lot of stickers on one game on First in math?

I think Josh Hutchinson

What game gets the most stickers on first in math?

go on jtfand go to jtf 100 and beat it and you will get more than 20 stickers

What game gives you the most stickers in firstinmath?

play the k and s games they give you 24 stickers each and everytime you complete a skillset they give you bonus stickers like skilll set 4 would give you 40 extra stickers play the wheel games too

Where to find skip game on first in math?

The skip game is located under the bonus games in "Bonus 3". Each time you complete a skip game you receive four stickers. In the entire game (if you complete it) you will have earned 320 stickers.

How do you get a lot of stickers in first in math?

You play all nine in each of the K&S3, K&S5 and K&S8 two times. Each game is 100 stickers if you get them all right the first time. 9x2=18x3=54x100=5400 stickers for that. It still takes a little long but not as long as playing a game like 600 times. It isworth it.

What is the game called on first in math that give you the most stickers the fastest and easiest?

none of them. they all give you 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and that's pretty much it

How do you get surf in Pokemon white?

Champion Adeku gives it to you at a certain point in the game. Its when you first meet him. or second time that you meet him.

How do you use stickers in super smash brawl?

You load the game. When you get to the map on the bottom you will see stickers. Click on it and you will be able to put stickers on characters

How do i get more games on firstinmath?

each game has 4 levels. Each level can allow only 15 games . AREA / Perimeter gives you a lot of stickers.

Where do you get stickers on panfu?

You can earn stickers by completing tasks or quests within the game on Panfu. Keep an eye out for opportunities to earn stickers as you explore and interact with different characters and locations in the game.