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circles, some quadrilaterals, parallelograms etc etc

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Q: What geometric figures do not have right angles?
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What geometric figures do not have any right angles or angles whose measures are larger than a right angle?

All triangles that are not right triangles.

What are geometric figures if they have equal corresponding angles and proportional corresponding sides?

They are similar.

What geometric figure does not have right angles or angles measure larger than a right angle?

An acute triangle.

What geometric shape does not have any right angles or any angles larger than a right angle?

a circle

Why is there a need to use a straightedge and compass to construct geometric figures?

The compass is used to measure angles. The straightedge is used to draw a straight line. The two items together, are used to measure and draw angles and lines in geometric drawings.

What geometric figures are the sides of an angle?

Angles are measured in degrees, minutes and seconds A full rotation measures 360 degrees

What contains all geometric figures?

The only thing that can contain all geometric figures is the set of all geometric figures, which is an infinite set.

Which geometric shape have any right angles or angles whose measures are larger than a right angle?

Rectangle, octagon, hectagon, square...

What geometric shapes do not have right angles or angles larger than a right angle?

Circle, cone, cylinder, sphere and equilateral triangle for example.

What flat geometric fiqure has 4 equal sides and no right angles?

A rhombus

What geometric has 4 right angles and sides with two different lengths?
