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Q: What gives the ratio compares the measurements of the drawing or model to the measurements of the real objects?
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What gives the ratio that compares measurements of the drawing to the measurements of the real object?

It is the scale ratio or scale factor

What is the difference between scale and scale factor?

The scale gives the ratio that compares the measurements of the drawing or model to the measurements of the real object. Scale factor is a scale written as a ratio without units in simplest from.

What gives the relationship between the measurements on a drawing or model and the measurements of a real object?

It is a matter of scale.

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What gives most objects it's natural color

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Is hand drawing advantage than scale drawing?

Not necessarily. Hand drawing gives you freedom, but then again with scale drawing, you get a more "finished" feeling i dont know the right word.

How does drawing a picture upside down help you improve your drawing skills?

It doesn't really help, it just gives you a new perspective.

What does it mean when a guy gives you a drawing?

I think it means that he may like you. When you draw something for someone aren't you thinkong about that person you are drawing for?

What is the important of drawing in mechanical?

In mechanical enginnering field, the drawing is act as a Language, It gives the clear communication to the engineers without any flaw.

What evidence supports newtons ideas about gravity?

One key piece of evidence supporting Newton's ideas about gravity is the accurate prediction of the orbits of celestial bodies, such as planets, based on his laws of gravitation. Additionally, the phenomenon of tidal forces, where the gravitational pull of larger bodies causes tides on Earth, provides further support for Newton's theory. Finally, experiments with falling objects near Earth's surface confirm the relationship between an object's mass and the gravitational force acting upon it.

Can gives be an object of preposition?

No. Gives is a verb and objects are pronouns or nouns or noun phrase

What is the advantage of sketching an object first before drawing it using CAD?

it gives you the basic idea of what the drawing should look like when it's completed