To find out how many times 40 goes into 368, we need to perform division. By dividing 368 by 40, we get 9 with a remainder of 28. Therefore, 40 goes into 368 nine times with a remainder of 28.
28% of 40= 28% * 40= 0.28 * 40= 11.2
It is: 28/40 times 100 = 70%
14 goes into 40 2 times. (with a remainder of 12)14 x 2 = 2840 - 28 = 12
It is: (28/40)*100 = 70%
To find out how many times 40 goes into 368, we need to perform division. By dividing 368 by 40, we get 9 with a remainder of 28. Therefore, 40 goes into 368 nine times with a remainder of 28.
28% of 40= 28% * 40= 0.28 * 40= 11.2
It is: 28/40 times 100 = 70%
14 goes into 40 2 times. (with a remainder of 12)14 x 2 = 2840 - 28 = 12
40 - 28 = 12
28 out of 40 is .7 or 7/10
It is: (28/40)*100 = 70%
LCM of 28 and 40 = 280
LCM of 144 40 and 28 is 5040.
Well, honey, of course 40 goes into 108. It goes in there a whopping 2 times with a remainder of 28. So, go ahead and divide away, you math wizard!