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Q: What graph is it best to use to measure overtime?
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What graph is best for showing percentages?

a circle graph is the best graph to use for that!!

What is the best use of a line graph and what is the best use of a bar graph?

a bar graph is best used for comparing amounts, a line graph best represents a steadily increasing value. For example prices of a shirt (line graph), or viscosity of liquids (bar graph).

What would be the best graph or chart to use to compare and contrast information?

A bar graph would be the best graph or chart to use to compare and contrast information.

What graphs can you use to measure correlation?

A scatter graph can be used to establish whether or not there is correlation and to get an approximate idea as to its strength. But no graph will actually measure correlation.

What is the best graph to represent fractions?

the best graph to use to represent fractions is a pie graph, that is if all the fractions denominators are the same...

How do you use a line graph?

it is the best

What does a bar graph measure?

It measures things between different groups, for example, a sandwich is a things, but you can use a bar graph to measure different kinds of sandwiches.

The best type of graph to use time vs temperature?

A line graph

When is it the best time to use a bar graph?

I use a bar graph to represent my favorite pies, and a pie graph to represent my favorite bars.

When do you use a line graph?

You use a line graph when you need to measure a certain amount of something over a period of time. PS: hope i have helped you:p

What type of graph is best to use to show data in equal intervals?

line graph

What is the best graph to use for time?

A line graph because time is a continuous variable