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Q: What happen to the bacteria at 1 to 4 deggeres?
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What are 4 soil decomposers?

Bacteria: break down organic matter into simpler compounds through chemical processes. Fungi: decompose organic matter through enzymatic breakdown. Earthworms: consume and break down organic matter as well as aerate the soil. Springtails: small arthropods that feed on decaying plant material and contribute to nutrient recycling.

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Wrecked - 2008 Accidents Happen 1-4 was released on: USA: 31 July 2008

If I have 5 and I give you 1 what would happen?

Then you would have 4, and I would have 1.

What 4 living organisms are found in dirt?

1. Worms 2. Moles 3. Bacteria 4. Insects Wikapedia- It helped!

What are the 3 domains and 4 kingdoms?

~3 domains 1. archea 2. bacteria 3. eukarya ~4 kingdoms 1. protista 2. fungi 3. planta 4. animalia

What is in feces?

About 3/4 of an average piece of poop is made of water. Of the remaining 1/4, about 1/3 of it is dead bacteria from your intestines; another 1/3 is fibrous matter; the remaining amount is made up of fats, phosphates, living bacteria, dead cells, mucus, protein, etc.

What happen when a power is negative?

It is 1 over that number to the same power, but positive. So 4^-5=1/4^5

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What are three facts about the animal kingdom?

The animal kingdom is one of the six major classifications of living organisms, known as kingdoms. Animals are multicellular, heterotrophic organisms, meaning they cannot produce their own food and rely on consuming other organisms for nutrition. The animal kingdom is incredibly diverse, with over 1.5 million different species identified and classified, ranging from microscopic invertebrates to large mammals.

What will happen if you water seedling with grape juice?

You will probably kill it, certainly the solution is very acid and before too long it will harbour bacteria that will kill the roots.

A bacteria splits in half after 20 minutes so that after 20 minutes there are 2 bacteria and after 40 minutes there are 4 bacteria How many bacteria will there be after 2 hours?

A bacteria splits in half after 20 minutes, so that after 20 minutes there are 2 bacteria, and after 40 minutes there are 4 bacteria. How many bacteria will there be after 2 hours?

List 4 ways in which bacteria are helpful to people?

Bacteria aid in food digestion and nutrient absorption in the human gut. Some bacteria are involved in the production of antibiotics that help fight off harmful pathogens. Certain bacteria are used in the production of food such as yogurt, cheese, and fermented beverages. Bacteria play a crucial role in nutrient cycling in ecosystems, helping to break down dead organic matter and recycle nutrients for plant growth.