

Best Answer

The probability of getting two tails is 1/4.

The probability of something happening is the answer to the question, "What fraction of the time will this happen?" It is the number of ways it can happen, out of all the different things that can happen.

With two coin flips, these are all the things that can happen





There is one way in which you can get two tails, out of four possible things that can happen. One out of four, or 1/4.

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Q: What is the theoretical probability of getting two tails?
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What is the probability of getting both tails on two tosses of a coin?

The probability of two tails on two tosses of a coin is 0.52, or 0.25.

What is the probability of getting no tails on two tosses of a coin?

The probability is 1/4

What is the probability of getting exactly 2 tails of tossing a coin?

The probability of getting two tails when tossing a coin is zero, because the coin can only have one result. If, one the other hand, you toss the coin twice, then the probability of getting two tails is 0.25, i.e. the probability of one tail, 0.5, squared.

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What is the probability of getting two tails if a coin in tossed twice?

It is 0.25

What is the probability of flipping 4 coins and getting all heads or all tails?

The probability of getting all heads is 1/24 = 1/16 The probability of getting all tails is also 1/24 = 1/16 The probability of all heads or all tails is the sum of the two = 1/8

What is the probability of getting 2 tails if 3 fair coins are tossed?

There are eight possible outcomes: HHH, HHT, HTT, HTH, TTT, TTH, THH, THT. Of these, 3 contain two tails: HTT, TTH, and THT and the probability of getting two tails is 3/8. If the question were 'getting at least two tails' then TTT would need to be included for a probability of 4/8 or 0.5.

If a coin is tossed two times what is the probability of getting tails two times in a row?

25% or 0.25 Probability of one tail is 0.50. Since two tails are independent events, the probability is 0.5 x 0.5 = 0.25

What is a probability of getting a two tails in first two chances if coin is tossed 10 times simultaneously?

The probability of getting two tails in the first two is 1/4. And it does not matter how many more times the coins are tossed after the first two tosses.

If four fair coins are tossed what is the probability of getting two tails?


What is the probability of getting at least two tails?

That depends how many times you flip the coin.

What is the probability of getting a run of three consecutive heads before a run of two consecutive tails when tossing a fair coin over and over?

The probability of getting a head first time is one out of two, or a half. The probability of getting a head the next time is still one out of two, so the combined probability is one quarter. Similarly, one eighth is the probability of getting three in a row; but the pattern does not end there, the probability of getting a tails the next time is STILL one in two, so that is a one in sixteen chance of that run, the probability of the entire sequence is therefore one in thirty-two.