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Q: What happens if you fail a algebra regents?
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What happens if you fail the geometry regents?

if you fail the geometry regents you met get a phone call saying you failed or a letter then you might have to do summer school and take it again in August but there also is another in January hope i helped =]

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if you fail the english regent you will need to retake it in august or the following june because you need that regrnt to graduate from high school and get ur diploma. hope i helped :)

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When is the integrated algebra regent and the Earth Science Regent for June 2010?

The integrated algebra regents for June 2010 is wed June 16 @ 12:00pm nd the Earths Science Regents is tues June 22@ 8:00 a.m.

What happens if you miss a New York State Education Department regents exam?

You will most likely fail that class unless you had 95 or higher prior to the test.

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Why do you fail at skydiving into the sun? -probably because you've never tried it. Why do pigs fail at algebra? -They have yet to try...

What has the author Samuel S Jaffe written?

Samuel S. Jaffe has written: 'College entrance and Regents elementary algebra' -- subject(s): Algebra, Examinations, questions