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The answer depends on the form of the expression in the denominator. For example, the graph os 1/(1 + x2) has a pretty well-behaved graph, with a maximum vaue of 1 when x = 0 and asymptotes of y = 0

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Q: What happens in the graphs of the functions that have variables in the denominator?
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Why do scientists display data in graphs?

Graphs are a convenient way to display relationships between variables.

In what way are line graphs similar to bar graphs?

They illustrate the relationship between two (or more) variables.

Do graphs show you patterns over time?

Some graphs do, but some don't. It depends upon the variables.

What Bar graphs are similar to line graphs because they both?

Represent two variables on two axes.

What are the graphs of reciprocal functions?

They are hyperbolae.

What are the two variables that line graphs display?

x and y

If two graphs have exactly the same shape what can you tell about the variables?

If two graphs have exactly the same shape, it indicates that the variables are proportional to each other. This means that as one variable increases or decreases, the other variable changes in a consistent and fixed ratio.

Why are graphs useful in science?

graphs give a trend of variables and the trend can be studied using the the extent they usually portray and the graphs are not emperical methods they give interpolated relationships hence a reduced uncertainities

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Where they all intersect.

How are inverse graphs used?

The answer will depend on which functions are inverted.The answer will depend on which functions are inverted.The answer will depend on which functions are inverted.The answer will depend on which functions are inverted.

What graphs is often used to show the relationship between two variables?

Any graph.

Why do you use cubic graphs?

There are variables that have a cubic relationship: for example, the side of a cube and its mass.