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Where they all intersect.

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Q: The unique solution to a system is where the graphs of the functions what?
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How do you interpret the solution of a system of equations by the corresponding graph?

The solution of a system of equations corresponds to the point where the graphs of the equations intersect. If the equations have one unique point of intersection, that point represents the solution of the system. If the graphs are parallel and do not intersect, the system has no solution. If the graphs overlap and coincide, the system has infinitely many solutions.

Why are systems of equations important?

A single equation is several unknowns will rarely have a unique solution. A system of n equations in n unknown variables may have a unique solution.

When does a system of linear equations in two variables have a unique or one solution?

simultaneous equations

What is a unique solution in linear equations?

This is the case when there is only one set of values for each of the variables that satisfies the system of linear equations. It requires the matrix of coefficients. A to be invertible. If the system of equations is y = Ax then the unique solution is x = A-1y.

What is cramer rule?

In linear algebra, Cramer's rule is an explicit formula for the solution of a system of linear equations with as many equations as unknowns, valid whenever the system has a unique solution.

What are the applications of cramer's rule?

Cramer's rule is applied to obtain the solution when a system of n linear equations in n variables has a unique solution.

What is renette cell?

Renette cells are specialized cells found in the taste buds of the tongue that detect sour tastes. When activated by acidic substances, rennette cells send signals to the brain indicating the presence of sour flavors.

When the equation in a linear system have different slopes then the system has what kind of solution?

It is not possible to tell. The lines could intersect, in pairs, at several different points giving no solution. A much less likely outcome is that they all intersect at a single point: the unique solution to the system.

Homogeneous system with m equations and n unknowns how to prove it has only one solution?

row reduce the matrix in question and see if it has any free variables. if it does then it has many solution's. If not then it only has one unique solution. which is of course the trivial solution (0)

It is impossible for a system of two linear equations to have exactly one solution. True or False?

False, think of each linear equation as the graph of the line. Then the unique solution (one solution) would be the intersection of the two lines.

What is a set of equations in the same variables?

It is a set of equations, which is also called a system of equations. There may be no solution, a single (unique) solution or more than one - including infinitely many.

How do you solve a system of equations by graphing?

Write each equations in popular form. ... Make the coefficients of one variable opposites. ... Add the equations ensuing from Step two to remove one variable. Solve for the last variable. Substitute the answer from Step four into one of the unique equations.