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Q: What happens to fluid when the slope changes from steep to gentle?
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What happens to the equation of the line as you change its slope?

The coefficient of x changes as the slope changes.

What happens to the line when the slope changes?

The angle that the line makes with the axes changes.

How are contour lines shown for a gentle slope?

Contours for a gentle slope are spaced equally and far apart, the closer the contour lines the steeper the slope.

Widely spaced contour lines indicate a?

Widely spaced contour lines indicate a gradual slope, while closely spaced lines indicate a steep slope.

What is another name for a gentle slope?

A gentle slope is also known as a gradual incline or a slight gradient.

What is the name of a geological ridge characterized by a gentle slope facing a steep slope?

A geological ridge characterized by a gentle slope facing a steep slope is known as an anticline. It is a type of fold in rock formations where the layers of rock arch upward, creating a gentle slope on one side (the crest) and a steeper slope on the opposite side.

Which set of conditions would produce the most runoff of precipitation?

The most runoff of precipitation would occur in areas with saturated soil due to previous rainfall, steep slopes that promote water flow, impermeable surfaces like concrete or asphalt that prevent infiltration, and high-intensity rainfall events that exceed the soil's infiltration capacity.

What type of slope will erode quicker a gentle slope or a steep slope?

A steep slope, due to the velocity of the water/runoff.

Does the continental slope has a gentle slant?

No, the continental slope is a steeply sloping zone between the continental shelf and the deep ocean floor. It typically has a gradient of approximately 3-6 degrees, making it much steeper than the more gradual continental shelf.

What is a gentle slope?

When the contour lines are farther apart, this means that the slopes between them are gentle. On the other side, if the contour interval is smaller, the slope will be steep.

What is the definitions of cues?

A ridge of limestone with a steep slope and a gentle slope on the other side

Why is it difficult to climb a vertical slope than a gentle slope?

Gravity is always pulling objects down so when you climb upward gravity weighs you down, you have to use effort to move yourself in the oposite direction that gravity is pulling you that is why it is harder to climb up a slope. When you climb a gentle slope you still are using energy but it takes longer to reach the same height on a gentle slope versus a verticle slope. On a verticle slope you are climbing higher instead of farther so on each step gravity weighs you down much more than on a gentle slope. When climbing a gentle slope you don't rise as rapidly so gravity doesn't take as much of a toll on you and you have a chamce to recover.