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The surface area is reduced by a factor 4, the volume by a factor 8.

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Q: What happens to the Surface Area and Volume of a pyramid if the radius and height are divided by 2?
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How do you calculate surface area to volume?

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SA/V Surface Area divided by Volume.

What is formula of a rectangle based pyramid?

The answer depends on the what characteristic of the pyramid you want the formula for: its surface area, its volume or something else.

What is the formula to find volume of a rectangular pyramid?

2 x Pi, divided by the height.

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The volume is doubled.

What are some rules for volume and surface area?

volume is length x base x height and surface area is volume divided by height~

How do you find volume area of a pyramid?

length times width times height divided by six

What is the formula for a tiangular pyramid?

The volume of a triangular pyramid can be found using the formula Volume=Base Area x height /3. Surface Area can be expressed as Surface Area =Base Area+0.5 x perimeter x side length.

How does surface area describe a cell?

Surface area of cell is divided volume of cell to get surface to volume ratio . If surface area is 8 cm2 and volume is 2 cm2 . The ratio would be 4:1 .