If a fraction's denominator is increased, the number gets smaller. If a fraction's denominator is decreased, the number gets bigger.
the entire fraction decreases
An improper fraction in a mixed number means that the integer part of the mixed number should be increased: the denominator goes into the numerator at least one more type.An improper fraction in a mixed number means that the integer part of the mixed number should be increased: the denominator goes into the numerator at least one more type.An improper fraction in a mixed number means that the integer part of the mixed number should be increased: the denominator goes into the numerator at least one more type.An improper fraction in a mixed number means that the integer part of the mixed number should be increased: the denominator goes into the numerator at least one more type.
The original fraction is -145/(-282) or it could be 850/35700 or one of infinitely many possibilities.
If a fraction's denominator is increased, the number gets smaller. If a fraction's denominator is decreased, the number gets bigger.
If the numerator of the fraction is increased and the denominator doesn't change, then the value of the fraction increases.
The fraction gets smaller.
The value of the fraction increases.
the entire fraction decreases
An improper fraction in a mixed number means that the integer part of the mixed number should be increased: the denominator goes into the numerator at least one more type.An improper fraction in a mixed number means that the integer part of the mixed number should be increased: the denominator goes into the numerator at least one more type.An improper fraction in a mixed number means that the integer part of the mixed number should be increased: the denominator goes into the numerator at least one more type.An improper fraction in a mixed number means that the integer part of the mixed number should be increased: the denominator goes into the numerator at least one more type.
You will get an equivalent fraction.
The original fraction is -145/(-282) or it could be 850/35700 or one of infinitely many possibilities.
If the denominator is reduced the next equivalent fraction to 4/6 is 2/3 If the denominator is increased the next equivalent fraction to 4/6 is 6/9
You get an equivalent fraction which is not in its reduced (or simplest) form.
The value of the fraction remains unchanged