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Q: What happens to the length of shadows at the same time?
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What happens to temperature as the angle at which the sun's rays strike the earth's surface increases. As the angle decreases. What happens to the length of the shadows at the same time?

As the angle at which the sun's rays strike the Earth's surface increases, the temperature tends to decrease. As the angle decreases, temperature tends to increase. At the same time, as the sun's angle decreases, shadows appear longer because the light is being cast at a greater angle.

What happens to temperature as the angle at which the sun's ray strike earth's surface increases as the angle decrease What happens to the length of shadows at the same time?

When it decreases the showdows get smaller and fade but when the angle increases the shadow gets bigger.

What happens to shadows it decresses or increasses?

it depends on the time

What is the shadows length of a 1 feet stick at 9am?

The answer depends on where on the earth, as well as the time of the year.

How could you make two shadows from the same object at the same time?

Use a flashlight

What experiment was used to find out what shape the world was?

I believe the first experiment measure the length of shadows at two widely separated locations. They used an object of known lenght and took the measurement at the same time of day. The shadows were different lengths that indicated the sun was at a different angle.

How long would a shadow be in autumn?

In autumn, the length of a shadow can vary depending on the angle of the sun, the time of day, and the geographical location. Shadows tend to be longer in autumn due to the lower position of the sun in the sky, resulting in longer shadows compared to the summer months.

In Pokemon Ranger Shadows of Almia What happens if the time runs out?

If it is the dialga mission then the mission starts again.

Does the time of year make a difference to your shadow?

Yes, the time of year can affect the length of your shadow. In the summer, when the sun is higher in the sky, shadows are shorter compared to the longer shadows cast during winter when the sun is lower in the sky.

Do all sides of a triangle have to be the same length?

No. The only time they have to be the same length is in an equilateral triangle.

What is the duration of Shadows of Time?

The duration of Shadows of Time is 2.03 hours.