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Q: What is the relationship between the length and position of the shadow and the time of day?
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What three things do length and position of a shadow changing depend on?

The length and position of a shadow depend on the angle of the light source, the distance between the object and the surface the shadow falls on, and the height of the object casting the shadow.

Why does the length and position of my shadow change as I walk towards a lamppost and away from the lamppost?

Light leaves the lamp and travels in straight lines from its point source. As you move away from the source, the angle between you and the light changes and this the length and position of your shadow changes.

How does the position of the sun in the sky relate to the length of the shadow cast by an object?

The position of the sun in the sky directly affects the length of the shadow cast by an object. When the sun is higher in the sky, shadows are shorter, and when the sun is lower, shadows are longer. This is because the angle of the sun's rays hitting the object changes throughout the day, affecting the length of the shadow.

How do shadows change length?

Shadows change length based on the position of the light source. When the light source is higher in the sky, shadows are shorter, while when the light source is lower, shadows are longer. Additionally, the angle and distance between the object casting the shadow and the surface it falls upon can also impact shadow length.

At what time is the shadow in front of you?

The shadow is in front of you when the sun is behind you, typically in the late morning or early afternoon. The length and direction of the shadow will vary depending on the position of the sun in the sky.

Why does the length and position of my shadow change as I walk towards a lamp post and when I walk away from the lamp post?

The length and position of your shadow change as you walk towards a lamp post because you are moving closer to the light source, which creates a shorter shadow. Conversely, as you walk away from the lamp post, your shadow lengthens and changes position because you are moving further away from the light source, causing the shadow to stretch and shift.

Why does the length and position of my shadow changes as I walk towards and away from the lamp post?

The length and position of your shadow change as you walk towards or away from a lamp post because the angle of the light hitting you changes. When you are closer to the lamp post, the angle of the light hitting you is more direct, resulting in a longer shadow. As you move away, the angle becomes more oblique, shortening the shadow.

Does the position of the torch would affect the length of the shadow cast by the pencil?

i think yes as try it yourself

Why does shadow grow?

Because he absorbs or reflects light like any other solid object. Yes that and the fact that everyone and everything will have and always has had a shadow.

What happens to your shadow if you stand at the top of a hill?

Your shadow will appear elongated when you stand at the top of a hill as the angle of the sun is lower, causing the shadow to stretch out. The length of your shadow will vary depending on the position of the sun in the sky and the steepness of the hill.

What is a tool that shows the time of the day by position and length of the shadow the sun casts on a surface called?

Sundial is the term

what causes shadow length?

The length of a shadow is primarily determined by the angle of the sun in relation to the object casting the shadow. Shadows are longer in the early morning and late afternoon when the sun is lower in the sky, and shorter at midday when the sun is directly overhead. The size and shape of the object casting the shadow also play a role in determining shadow length.