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the pixel intensity in final image will be of the surface last scanned if the z value is same.

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Q: What happens when two polygons have the same z value and the z-buffer algorithm is used?
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How was the value of pi derived?

Historically one of the early methods of estimating the value of π was by taking a circle and inscribing and circumscribing a regular polygon (constructing a regular polygon inside and outside the circle- they knew how to do that mathematically 500 BC in Greece for a great number of polygons) They took the average of the circumferences of the polygons and divided that by the average of the diameters of the polygons to approximate a value for π.

What is the value of h in numerical analysis when doing differentiation?

h, being the step size of an algorithm in numerical analysis, is always (b-a)/N where x is in the interval [a, b] and N is the number of iterations in the algorithm.

Algorithm for subtraction of two numbers?

read the value A,b store the result of subtraction of a,b in continer subtraction display subtraction

Numerical method for solving can eqution bisection method?

A root-finding algorithm is a numerical method, or algorithm, for finding a value. Finding a root of f(x) − g(x) = 0 is the same as solving the equation f(x) = g(x).

What happens when the negative sign is on the outside of the absolute value?

The absolute value becomes negative.

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How are the expanded algorithm and the standard algorithm alike?

The expanded algorithm makes use of the partial products to fully explain place value in multiplication. The standard algorithm which is most commonly used is considered superior and less confusing.

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A function is an algorithm that returns a value when it is executed

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How was the value of pi derived?

Historically one of the early methods of estimating the value of π was by taking a circle and inscribing and circumscribing a regular polygon (constructing a regular polygon inside and outside the circle- they knew how to do that mathematically 500 BC in Greece for a great number of polygons) They took the average of the circumferences of the polygons and divided that by the average of the diameters of the polygons to approximate a value for π.

What is sub-algorithm?

It is an algorithm used by another algorithm as part of the second algorithm's operation.As an example, an algorithm for finding the median value in a list of numbers might include sorting the numbers as a sub-algorithm: There are plenty of algorithms for sorting, and the specifics of the sorting does not matter to the "median value" algorithm, only that the numbers are sorted when the sub-algorithm is done.For what an algorithm is, see related link.

How is time complexity of an algorithm calculated?

The usual definition of an algorithm's time complexity is called Big O Notation. If an algorithm has a value of O(1), it is a fixed time algorithm, the best possible type of algorithm for speed. As you approach O(∞) (a.k.a. infinite loop), the algorithm takes progressively longer to complete (an algorithm of O(∞) would never complete).

What is time complexity of an algorithm?

Time complexity is a function which value depend on the input and algorithm of a program and give us idea about how long it would take to execute the program

How do you create an algorithm that will read the values of A and B and will determine which has the higher value?

The algorithm can be easily stated as follows: if A is greater than B then return A, otherwise return B.

What is standard algorithm?

Standard algorithm is when you take two digits or decimals and you put the digit or decimal with the greater value on top and the digit or decimal with the least value on the bottom and you contrast the digits/decimals to see if it greater than, less than,or equal to.

What is the first value that is searched for in an array when using a selection sort algorithm?

The first value is marked first, and then the smallest value is searched to compare to the first and then place in the appropriate location.

What is the value of h in numerical analysis when doing differentiation?

h, being the step size of an algorithm in numerical analysis, is always (b-a)/N where x is in the interval [a, b] and N is the number of iterations in the algorithm.