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Q: What happens when we add subtract multiply and divide integers?
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What happens when you add sutract multiply and divide integers?

When you add, subtract, or multiply integers, you get integers. When you divide one integer by another one, you may or may not get an integer.

What can you do with integers?

you can add subtract multiply and divide them.

What happens when you add subtract divide and multiply integers?

You arrive at a resultant, the resultant depends on the operation carried out.

What are the four operations on integers?

add, subtract, multiply, divide

What grouping symbols exponents multiply and divide add and subtract?


What happens with the numbers when you multiply and divide integers?

If you multiply integers the results is an integer. If you divide integers (with one exception) the result is a rational number which, in some cases, may be an integer. However, the exception is that division by 0 is not defined.

What happens when you add subtract multiply and divide rational numbers?

If you add, subtract or multiply rational numbers, the result will be a rational number. It will also be so if you divide by a non-zero rational number. But division by zero is not defined.

How do you do the order of operations for integers?

Remember PEMDAS; please excuse my dear aunt Sally. Parentheses, exponents, multiply, divide, add, and subtract.

Why are integers important in math?

Because in alot of future jobs, you need to know how to add/subtract/divide/multiply negatves to positives and vice versa.

If Add is to multiply as subtract is to?


How ADD is to MULTIPLY as SUBTRACT is to?


How do you multiply consecutive numbers?

you divide and divide again then multiply then add then subtract then finally get the root