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If you change the variables in a science experiment, you will probably get different results.

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Q: What happens when you change the variables?
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Related questions

What are variables that do not change in an experiment?

Variables that do not change in an experiment are independent variables.

The variables that do not change in an experiment are what?

Variables that do not change in an experiment are independent variables.

What is the differecnce between independent variables and dependent variables?

Every time the independent variables change, the dependent variables change.Dependent variables cannot change if the independent variables didn't change.

What are indepenent and dependent variables?

Dependent variable change and independent variables do not change.

What do you call variables in a experiment that you can change?

The definition of a variable is to change or changeable. All variables hold this quality.

What are factors that change in an experiment called?

The factors which you change (vary) are called variables.

What are constants and how are they are different from variables?

Variables change, constants do not.

Variables that do not change in a experiment?

the dependant variable

Can a correlated study determine when there is lack of a relationship between two variables?

Sure. If you can observe that when variable A changed, variable B didn't change, and this happens repeatedly, that is a good indication that there is no relationship between those variables.

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Why is it importaint to controle variables in an experiment?

You need to control the variables because if you have two or more variables in an experiment you will never know which variable caused a change or not caused a change.

What are variable the change called?

Variables that can change are called independent variables. These are the factors or conditions that researchers manipulate or observe to see how they affect other variables in an experiment or study.