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Q: What happens when you divide by 10?
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What happens when you divide it by 10?

It becomes a tenth as large.

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What happens to the place value of a number when you divide by 10?

it moves left 1 digit

What happens to a number when you divide by 10?

The decimal place "moves" one space to the left.

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You divide by 10.You divide by 10.You divide by 10.You divide by 10.

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They divide.

What happens when you divide linear functions?

It depends on what you divide them by!

What happens to the place value of the a number when you divide by ten?

The decimal "moves" to the right. For example: 343/10=34.3 Here's another: 52.23/10=5.223

What happens if you have 9 and 11 as the middle numbers?

For median, add them together and divide by 2; (9+11)/2 = 10.

What happens to a fraction when you divide it?

How a fraction changes when you divide it depends on what you divide it by.

-100 divide by -10=?