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Basically your image becomes magnified. I'm not sure about this, but I think the image produced is a "virtual image"

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Q: What happens when you look through a giant concave mirror?
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Does the concave mirror in a flashlight produce light rays that converge?

Answer #1:No, the concave mirror in a flashlight produces light rays that do notconvergebecause concave mirrors reflect light waves to form images, but concave mirrorshave a surface that is curved inward.==============================Answer #2:The ideas behind the concave reflector in a cheap flashlight, the concave reflectorin an auto headlight, and the giant concave reflector of a satellite uplink, are allthe same ... to beam the energy from the focus out in a parallel 'cylindrical' beamthat doesn't converge or, as far as possible, doesn't diverge either.

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What happens to a star when it becomes a giant if it has a close binary companion?

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What happens when a Red Giant explodes?

When a Red Giant explodes, it undergoes a supernova event, where the star releases a tremendous amount of energy in a short period. This explosion can produce heavy elements and spread them into space, enriching the surrounding region with these elements. The core of the star can collapse into a neutron star or black hole, depending on its mass.

What happens when a star is in the red giant stage?

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What happens when a super giant explodes?

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