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It depends. It can wind up being a positive or negative number. For instance:

8-2=6 but

2-8=-6 (negative 6)

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Q: What happens when you subtract two positives numbers?
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What do two postives equal?

Depends. Add two positives and the sum is positive. Divide two positives and the quotient is positive. Multiply two positives and the product is positive. Subtract two positives and the difference could be positive, negative or zero. If the two numbers are the same, the difference is zero. If one number is larger than the other and we subtract the smaller from the larger, the difference is positive. Subtracting the larger number from the smaller one gives a negative difference.

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When you subtract one number from another you get the difference.You just said it; sum.

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Subtract the subtrahend from the minuend to get the difference.

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Subtract the two numbers to get their difference.

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Information about the original magnitudes.Also, the signs of the two numbers (you get a positive ratio from two negatives or two positives, a negative ratio from one of each).Information about the original magnitudes.Also, the signs of the two numbers (you get a positive ratio from two negatives or two positives, a negative ratio from one of each).Information about the original magnitudes.Also, the signs of the two numbers (you get a positive ratio from two negatives or two positives, a negative ratio from one of each).Information about the original magnitudes.Also, the signs of the two numbers (you get a positive ratio from two negatives or two positives, a negative ratio from one of each).

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Subtract them

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The numbers are: 76 and 20

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Is the difference of two positives a positive?

The difference between two numbers is the result of a subtraction. This can be either positive or negative.

Does leftover mean subtract in math?

Yes u have to subtract the two numbers that it yes leftover does mean subtract!