-- Nothing happens to it. -- You generate a new number that's ten times the size of the original number. -- The new number has all the same digits as the original number had, in the same order. But the decimal point in the new number is one digit to the right of where it was in the original number.
For each step, you increase the value by a multiple of 10.
The decimal place "moves" one space to the left.
It is 6000.
It is equivalent to 0.00031 as a decimal
0.3 is 10 times as great as 0.03
The decimal form of 7.73 times 10 to the negative third power is 0.00773
4.05 times 10 to the third power = 40.5
8.8/10 = 0.88
Multiplying a decimal by ten means that you would move the decimal point one space to the right. 4.3 times 10 would equal 43.
120 / 10 = 12If you want it with a decimal, then the answer is 12.0
7.73 times 10 to the -3 = 0.00773
You multiply by 10 (Add a zero)
-- Nothing happens to it. -- You generate a new number that's ten times the size of the original number. -- The new number has all the same digits as the original number had, in the same order. But the decimal point in the new number is one digit to the right of where it was in the original number.
Because left of the decimal point goes times 10 for every position and right of the decimal point goes times -10 for every position.
To find the decimal that is 10 times smaller than 0.3, you would divide 0.3 by 10. This calculation gives you 0.03, which is one-tenth of 0.3. Therefore, 0.03 is the decimal that is 10 times smaller than 0.3.
For each step, you increase the value by a multiple of 10.