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Q: What has greater volume 1 gram of lead or 1 gram of aluminum?
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Will the volume of lead be greater or less than one gram of water?

The volume of lead will be less than one gram of water. Lead is denser than water, so it takes up less space for the same mass.

What mass of lead occupies the same volume of 100g of aluminum?

Lead has a higher density compared to aluminum. So, to find the mass of lead that occupies the same volume as 100g of aluminum, you would first calculate the volume of the aluminum using its density. Then, you would find the mass of lead that occupies the same volume by using the density of lead.

Which has the greater density 5kg of lead or 10kg of aluminum?

Lead will always have the greater density compared to aluminium. The weight only influences the volume in question. 10kg of Al will be much more(bigger in size) than 5kg of lead.

What occupies the most volume 1kg of aluminum or 1kg of lead?

1kg of aluminum occupies more volume than 1kg of lead, as aluminum is less dense than lead. Densities of aluminum and lead are 2.7 g/cm³ and 11.3 g/cm³, respectively.

Which has greater volume lead or feathers?

the same

Which has greater weight a kilogram of butter of kilogram of lead what is greater density which has greater volume?

They both weigh the same: 1kg = 1kg. The kg of butter has a greater volume and the kg of lead has a higher density.

What is the name of the metal that has the mass of 46.4 and a volume of 2.40?

Magnesium-Aluminum Alloy

Why did the volume of the displaced water vary?

Any material has a density which is derived from its mass or weight divided by its volume. Lead for example is more dense than aluminum, so a Kilogramme of lead would displace less water than a Kilogramme of aluminum.

Which has a greater volume lead in water or glass in water?

This depends on the mass.

How do you compare grams to ounces by volume?

Grams and ounces are units of weight, not volume. To convert between the two, you would need to know the density of the substance you are measuring. If you are looking to convert based on a rough estimate, you could use the fact that 1 ounce is approximately equal to 28 grams.

Does water have a greater mass than lead?

water has less density than lead. Mass depends on its volume

Is aluminum more dense than iron?

Yes, aluminum is approximately 2.7 times more dense than water