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It depends on if they are solid or liquid.

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Q: Which has a greater volume 1 g of lead or 1 g of water?
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What is heavier water or lead?

Lead (11,34^-3) has a greater density than water (1^-3) so for the same volume of water and lead, lead will be heavier. The "-3" should be written as an exponent but it won't allow me

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What has a greater volume lead or butter?

Volume is the amount of 3-dimensional space occupied by an object and has nothing whatsoever to do with the molecular composition of the object. The volume of a 1" x 1" x 1" cube of lead is exactly the same as the volume of a 1" x 1" x 1" cube of butter or a 1" x 1" x 1" cube of anything for that matter. Lead and butter have a great many differences, but volume isn't a measure of any of them.

Is 19.3 milliliters of water greater than 1 milliliter of gold?

Yes, 19.3 milliliters of water is greater than 1 milliliter of gold because water has a lower density than gold, so it occupies more volume for the same mass.

Which is denser a kilogram of water or a kilogram of lead?

A kilogram of water and a kilogram of lead have the same mass, but lead is denser than water. Lead has a higher density because it has more mass packed into a smaller volume compared to water.

If samples of lead and silver each had volumes to 1 cm which would have greater mass?

The mass of lead would be greater, as lead has a higher density compared to silver. Density is mass divided by volume, so even if both samples have the same volume, the lead sample would be heavier due to its higher density.

Is a cup of water less or greater than a cup of sand?

1 cup of water is the same volume as 1 cup of sand.

A student measures the volume of 1 liter of water then freezes the water The student then measures the volume of the ice In this scenario the water would have had the greater volume?

Water expands approximately 10% when frozen, so the water would have less volume than the ice.

What has more mass 1 kg of lead or 1 kg of feathers?

Neither!!! They both have the same mass at 1 kg. However, the feathers will occupy a greater volume.

A hollow steel ball weighs 1 kilogram what must its volume be for it to float in water?

For the steel ball to float in water, its density must be less than that of water, which is 1000 kg/m³. Given that the ball weighs 1 kg, its volume must be greater than 1 liter (1000 cm³) for it to displace enough water to float.

Grams converted to milliliters?

Converting grams to milliliters depends on the density of the substance. To convert, you need to know the density of the substance in grams per milliliter. Then you can use the formula: volume (in milliliters) = mass (in grams) / density (in grams per milliliter).

What are two of the same substances that have the same mass but different volumes?

First of all, there's no such thing as the mass of a substance, or the volume of a substance. You can have 0.01 kilogram of water or 10,000 kilograms of water. It only depends on how much you decide to scoop out of the bucket. The water itself has no characteristic mass. Similarly, you can have 1 milliliter or 1 cubic kilometer of potato salad. It only depends on how much you buy at the deli. The potato salad itself has no characteristic volume. If you measure out the same mass of two different substances, then the sample of the substance with the greater density will have less volume. If you measure out the same volume of two different substances, then the sample of the substance with the greater density will have more mass.