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A four-quadrant graph.

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Q: What has horizontal and vertical number lines?
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What is the intersection of the horizontal and vertical number lines?

Orgin is the intersection of horizontal and vertical number lines.

The horizontal and vertical number lines used in a graph?


What is vertical and horizontal line?

horizontal lines are lines which may be at the angle of 00,1800,3600.if vertical lines stand on horizontal lines it is in the angle of 900

What is the difference between vertical and horizontal lines?

vertical lines run from top to bottom, horizontal lines run from left to right the difference between the two is 90 degrees if you place vertical lines next to horizontal lines.

How do you write equations for ertical and horizontal lines?

A vertical line has the equation [ x = a number ]. A horizontal line has the equation [ y = a number ].

How many lines of symmetry does an 8 have?

The number 8 has only 2 lines of symmetry; Vertical and Horizontal.

What are non vertical lines?

Non-vertical lines could be slanted or horizontal.

What are vertical and horizontal lines?


What is the horizontal and vertical lines in a coordinate system?

Horizontal is X-Axis and Vertical is Y-Axis.

What are horizontal lines on earth called?

horizontal lines represent latitude and vertical lines represent longitude

Do vertical lines have a slpoe of zero?

No. Horizontal lines have zero slope. Vertical lines have infinite slope.

Does a rectangle have 3 lines of symmetry?

No, a non-square rectangle has two: the horizontal and the vertical. A square has four lines of symmetry: the horizontal, the vertical, and two diagonal lines.