X. Y. Zebra has written:
'On the crest of time' -- subject(s): Aircraft accidents, Fiction
No. It can be written in three ways: x/y x:y or x to y.
x - y = x + (-y)
This is an algebraic expression that can be written : (x + y) ÷ 12 or (x + y)/12. It can also be stated as : x/12 + y/12.
Y. B. Mokashi has written: 'Prakshobha'
The ratio of two number, X and Y where Y is not 0, is X/Y which can also be written as X:Y.
X. Y. has written: 'What is life?' -- subject(s): Religion and science, Creation, Spirit, Atoms
F. M. has written: 'Cuentos de X, Y y Z'
X y-yalk z- zebra
Sebastian Recasens y Girol has written: 'Naturaleza de los rayos x y sus aplicaciones medicas' -- subject(s): X-rays
Clemente Palma has written: 'X Y Z (novela grotesca)'
R. Markanda has written: 'Fixed rings of automorphisms of K[x,y]'
X.-Y Jin has written: 'Quasi-three-dimensional numerical modelling of flow and dispersion in shallow water' -- subject(s): Mathematical models, Hydrodynamics, Turbulence
Xerces blue butterfly, yellow jacket and zebra butterfly are minibeasts. They begin with the letters x, y and z.
whale xray yorkie zebra
No. It can be written in three ways: x/y x:y or x to y.
x - y = x + (-y)
Y. Oliyan has written: 'Tufulati'