Well pentagrams have five points. with the star itself oriented pointing down. It is a sign taken and denatured from the Wiccan pentacle, where as the pentacle points upwards and is a symbol of healing in classic witchcraft. The pentagram is a symbol of indulgence.
Each point is supposedly representative of the five senses. Touch, smell, taste, sight and hearing. Each of these points can also be linked with the traditional four elements wind, earth, fire and water, with the fifth being either quintessence or the soul depending on what the casters agree in their practice.
pentagon, pentagram
A pentagram has five points.
A pentagram has five vertives.
The number of point where more than one line meet. In a pentagram there are ten points. 5 from the outside corners and 5 from the inside corners.
It has 5 It has 5
Yes it is my friend got married over a pentagram because she wanted her marriage to be binding and she is wicca
A pentagram is a five pointed star. A pentagon in a five sided polygon.
pentagon, pentagram
The number five refers to the 5 elements, air, fire, water, earth and spirit(aethera). Some other uses of the five are in the cult but this is the source of the pentagram that is used quite often.
A five pointed star is a Pentagram
Number of the beast, pentagram...google is your friend.
A pentagram has five points.