A ton is a ton, it doesnt matter if its a ton of jelly beans, or a ton of bouncy balls. A ton is the same no matter what you use.
A ton of brings does not exist, but if you mean a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers, they both weigh the same - 2000lbs. A ton is an imperial unit of measuring weight - it doesn't measure volume (or space that on object takes up). A ton of bricks would be relatively compact, while a ton of feathers would take up an enormous amount of space.
a kilogram of bricks
Neither, they both weigh a ton.
Both weigh the same amount, a ton.
They both weigh a ton
Neither, a ton is a ton.....they are both the same weight.
Neither is heavier. They both weigh a ton. Only there would be much more feathers than bricksFirst of all (face palm). They are the same mass, a tone.
well they would both be the same, as both would have the weight of one tone. however the answer that i believe that you want is that you would need a lot more bricks to make one tone than gold as gold is a lot denser.
This question has been answered to death on this website! To cut a long story short... Given that a ton of feathers and a ton of bricks are of equal mass, but differing volume (the feathers are much less dense, and thus more volumous):Assuming they are measured at the same location on Earth, the ton of feathers would displace more air (a fluid), creating greater upthrust, thus causing them to weigh less.So, a ton of bricks is heavier than a ton of feathers. (on Earth)
A ton of x is neither heavier nor lighter than a ton of y - regardless of how heavy the individual units of x or y. Obviously, you would need a lot more feathers than bricks but that's another question entirely.
A ton of brings does not exist, but if you mean a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers, they both weigh the same - 2000lbs. A ton is an imperial unit of measuring weight - it doesn't measure volume (or space that on object takes up). A ton of bricks would be relatively compact, while a ton of feathers would take up an enormous amount of space.
A ton is a measure of weight, so they weigh the same provided they are wieghed on the same planet.... which shd be the case for a good comparison.... providing equal frames of reference....
A. A ton of bricks. B. A ton of feather. C. It depends on the type of bricks. D. None of above
A ton is a unit of weight, so a ton of coal and a ton of feathers would both weigh the same - one ton.
a kilogram of bricks
A ton is a measurement of the weight of an object. No matter what the object is, if two items weigh a ton, then they are equal. A ton of bricks weighs exactly the same as a ton of feathers.