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Q: What high schools are specialized in math?
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Where are the good high schools in the Bronx?

There is a plethora of high schools available to attend within the Bronx, New York. There are two specialized high schools, which require entrance examinations for entrance. These high schools are the Bronx High School of Science and the High School for American Studies at Lehman College. Probably the best non-specialized high school is within a few blocks of the two others, at DeWitt Clinton High School and it's MACY Honors & Gifted Program.

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What do they mean by specialized field of study in high school?

High schools don't have specialized fields of study. They have general education classes and classes required for college entrance.

What is the full form of SHSAT?

Specialized High Schools Admissions Test (New York City)

When did they put math into schools?

Math has been in schools as long as there have been schools.

What is ninth grade math called?

9th grade math can vary throughout high schools in different places.Most schools have Algebra I as the standard math course.Some high schools offer more advanced classes for smarter people, and offer courses for 9th graders that are meant for 10th or 11th grade students. This means that some schools offer geometry, and even sometimes Algebra II/Trigonometry.

What has the author Stephen Krane written?

Stephen Krane has written: 'New York City specialized high school entrance examinations' -- subject(s): Entrance examinations, Study guides, High schools, Juvenile literature 'Practice entrance tests for New York City specialized high schools & Hunter College High School' -- subject(s): Entrance examinations, Study guides, High schools, Juvenile literature, Examinations

Sport specialized high schools?

in Sydney,Australia there is Endeavor Sports High School. i am not quite sure how to spell Endeavor though. :S

What courses are offered at Christian High Schools?

Some courses offered at Christian High Schools include College Prep Programs, ACT and SAT Prep, Math, Science, English and more. Most Christian high schools offer the same courses as any other high school.

What is secondary math?

Secondary school mathematics consists of mathematics typically taught in middle schools (a.k.a., junior high schools) and high schools (or secondary schools) — that is, roughly ages 11–17. It is preceded by primary school mathematics and followed by university level mathematics.

NOT a field of vocational education offered by most high schools?

Astronaut training. High schools typically do not offer specialized vocational training in astronautics due to the high level of expertise and resources required for space travel.

Do you have to take the specialized test to go to Fiorello H LaGuardia High School?

No. LaGuardia is the only one of the Specialized High Schools that doesn't base admission on the SHSAT score. Admission to LaGuardia requires an audition and a review of student records.