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Q: What household things can be cut in half or have a line of symmetry?
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How you define line of symmetry?

Line symmetry is another name for reflection symmetry. One half is a reflection of the other half. The line of symmetry is the line where you could fold the image and have both halves match exactly.

What is the line of symmetry of an angle?

the distance from a point on either ray of the angle that is equidistance from the axis of symmetry is the line of symmetry. the line of symmetry dives the angle in half.

What is it called when you only have one line of symmetry?

An object that has only one line of symmetry is said to have bilateral symmetry. This means that it can be divided into two equal halves along one axis.

What is the line on a symmetry?

the half of a person place or thing

What is an imaginary line that divides a mirror in in half?


How many lines of symmetry dose the letter A have?

one. It is a vertical line of symmetry which splits the A in half.

What numbers has a line symmetry 2 4 6 or 8?

Line symmetry is when a mirror line can be drawn so that each half is a reflection of the other half. The only one of {2, 4, 6, 8} with any possible line symmetry is the 8. Depending upon how it is written, it may have one or two lines of symmetry.

Does a star have a line symmetry?

If you draw a line right down the middle of it are both sides symmetrical then yes it does have line symmetry. If it doesn't have symmetry then it doesn't. But usually if it's a regular star it has line symmetry.

Does e or s have line of symmetry?

A line of symmetry means that when you fold it in half that everything lines up perfectly. If you took the letter E and folded it in half sideways, does it line up perfectly? No. If you took an S and lined it up perfectly, does it over lap? Yes. Neither E nor S have a line of symmetry.

What are symmetery lines?

If you take a circle for example, a line of symmetry is any line that can go through that circle and if you fold the circle in half it will be equal. So a line of symmetry is a line that you divide any shape in half with and have both halves be the same.

What does a line of symmetry do to a shape and object?

A line of symmetry cuts the shape in half or into sections evenly so if you were to fold against the line it would be even on either side

What is the definition for a line symmetry?

The "Line of Symmetry" is the imaginary line where you could fold the image or shape and have both halves match exactly one half is a reflection of the other