A line of symmetry means that when you fold it in half that everything lines up perfectly. If you took the letter E and folded it in half sideways, does it line up perfectly? No. If you took an S and lined it up perfectly, does it over lap? Yes. Neither E nor S have a line of symmetry.
"e" does not have a line of symmetry. :D
The letters S and N have point symmetry but not line symmetry.
H, A, V, and E have line of symmetry
No, but it looks like it. Actually the leter S does have a line of symmetry. Not vertically but horizontally. See, S.
A horizontal mirror plane though the the middle line of the E
only 1
Yes. Horizontally.
In the lower case: no.
a triangle only has one line of symmetry
by watching the letter e lols
O, l, S, Z