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im not sure that is possible

what you are saying is that 63- I have never seen this in my 8 years since first taking algebra.

the negative sign outside the exponent can mean a negative charge on chemistry. lets say you have a copper ion...

copper = Cu2-

this means is has two extra electrons that it wants to share

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Q: What if the negative sign is outside the exponet?
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If that's the whole problem then the answer would be: m-1 /n (make the -1 an exponet) Or 10 -1 (<- Exponet) / 2 = 0.05 You see the exponet -1 meens basicly the normal exponet only in decimal form Examples: (e meens the next number is the exponet) Normal: 10e1 = 10 Negative: 10e-1 = 0.01 or 1 tenth Normal: 10e2 = 100 Negative: 10e-2 = 0.01 or 1 hundreth Hope this helped!!!

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You don't. If the negative sign is outside the radical, then you take the square root of the number and apply the negative. If the negative sign is inside the radical, you will have an imaginary number.

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The answer is normally a positive fraction or decimal as for example 4^-2 = 1/16 or 0.0625

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It depends on what the sign is before your number. A positive sign in front of the number indicates that the inside of the cell is more positive when compared to the outside; a negative sign in front of the number indicates that the cell is more negative compared to the outside. The resting potential of a neuron is always negative when compared to the outside of the neuron, and usually lies around -90mV. For different cells in the body, the resting potential may vary but it will always be negative :)!

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How do you multiply exponets?

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What is the difference in algebra if the negative sign is inside or outside the brackets?

If it's inside the brackets it means that it belongs to that specific term, but if it was outside the brackets, it means that every term inside the brackets goes out with opossite sign. For example: [ -5x + 6y ] = -5x + 6y , the negative is only for 5x, but if you had - [ -5x + 6y] = 5x - 6y , every term inside the bracket goes out with opossite sign.