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In that case, just double the denominator. Half of 3/5 is 3/10

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Q: What if you're numerator is odd and you divide the fraction by 2?
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What is opposite of odd numbers?

The opposite of odd is even. If you divide a even or odd number with odd, you will still get a fraction, or a romander.

What is a odd fraction?

when the numerator is bigger than the denominator. E.g 5/2 or 7/2

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Any odd integer.

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to find the simplest form of a fraction, you can simply half both the denominator and the numerator. if either of them is an odd number, simply find the common factor and divide both the numerator and the denominator by it. so 975 over 1000 simplified= 39 over 40

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Seeing as 91 is an odd number, it would have to be a fraction. Example:45.5

How do you know what your median is if when your dividing and you divide and its an odd number?

You round the fraction up and find the value in that position.

How do you write an odd number with even numbers?

If you add, subtract, or multiply two even numbers, you will get an even number. If you divide an even number by another even number, you may get an even number, an odd number, or even a fraction.

How to change a fraction to a decimal?

When change fractions to decimals, it takes one easy step. You simply divide the numerator by the denominator. In other words, you divide the top number by the bottom number. This method doesn't include mixed numbers. When you get a repeating decimal as your answer, that means your denominator is an odd number. When you get a repeating decimal for your answer, simply put a bar above the repeating number/numbers. This shows that this number/numbers continues on forever. Mixed numbers can be changed to a decimal after transforming in to an improper fraction. To do this, you must multiply the denominator by the whole number, and then add the numerator. For example, 5 3/4, you multiply 4 by 5, then add three to get the answer of 23/4. Then you simply divide 23 by 4 and receive the decimal of 5.75.

Is 401 odd?

401 is an odd number. It does not divide equally by 2.

How do you reduce fractions if one number is odd?

The parity (odd or even) of a number has no relevance in reducing fractions. What is required is to find the highest common factor between the numerator and denominator. Clearly, if the numerator and denominator are bot even then 2 is a common factor and so it must be possible to reduce the fraction. The highest common factor or even a common factor may not be so obvious when both numerator and denominator are odd.For example, 21/91 = (3*7)/(13*7) = 3/13

How do you divide 30 into 5 odd numbers?

You cannot. The sum of 5 odd numbers is always odd. 30 is not odd.

Can you divide odd numbers?

Yes I can.