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What you report depends a lot on what the data supports - i.e whether positive or negative reinforcement works better, and how well the data supports that conclusion (review how big the sample was, how likely that the conclusion is wrong, could the data have arisen randomly, as opposed to it being a true conclusion?). A general statistical analysis on the data should suffice, so long as the conclusion matches what you are reporting. (Always remember that correlation does not mean causation. E.g there are many doctors in areas of many ill people, but that does not mean that doctors are making people ill).

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Q: What if your instructor asks you to compare positive and negative reinforcement and explain your conclusions in class What will you report?
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Does both positive and negative reinforcement increase the frequency of responses?

Yes, both do. Negative reinforcement is quicker but positive reinforcement is more permanent.

Positive reinforcement and negative punishment are?

Different in that positive reinforcement increases a behavior and negative punishment decreases a behavior

Are seat belt buzzers a negative or positive reinforcement?

Negative reinforcement. It's buzzing to tell you something is wrong. If you got a reward for having your seatbelt on, it would be positive reinforcement.

How are positive and negative reinforcement alike?

Positive and negative reinforcement both call attention to a situation. For many, negative attention is more desirable than no attention. Negative reinforcement is generally quicker than positive, yet the positive is so very important for development including self esteem.

How are positive and negative reinforcement similar and how are they different?

Positive reinforcement involves adding a stimulus to increase the likelihood of a behavior recurring, while negative reinforcement involves removing a stimulus for the same purpose. Both are ways to increase the likelihood of a behavior, but positive reinforcement adds a stimulus while negative reinforcement takes one away.

How can negative reinforcement be positive?

Negative reinforcement refers to the removal of a negative stimulus to increase the likelihood of a desired behavior. In this context, "negative" does not refer to something bad but rather the removal of something unwanted. So, negative reinforcement can be positive because it encourages the individual to engage in a behavior that leads to the removal of an aversive stimulus, ultimately resulting in a positive outcome.

What is reinforcement effect?

The reinforcement effect is the result reinforcement on behavior. It is used to study the success rate of positive, negative, and partial reinforcement.

What four ways that managers can shape employees behavior?

Positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, punishment, or extinction.

What are the names of the behavior tools used?

positive and negative reinforcement and punishment

Is punishment a reinforcer?

Punishment is not a reinforcer. there is Negative Punishment and Positive Punishment, and also Negative Reinforcement and Positive Reinforcement.*Negative Punishment is a consequence withdrawn following a response that causes a behavior to occur with less frequency.*Negative Reinforcement is a consequence withdrawn following a response that causes a behavior to occur with greater frequency.*Positive Punishment is a consequence delivered following a response that causes a behavior to occur with less frequency.*Positive Reinforcement is a consequence delivered following a response that causes a behavior to occur with greater frequency.

What are the Differences between postive and negative reinforcement?

Positive reinforcement involves adding a reward or incentive to increase the likelihood of a desired behavior recurring, while negative reinforcement involves removing an aversive stimulus to achieve the same effect. Positive reinforcement focuses on providing something desirable, whereas negative reinforcement focuses on eliminating something undesirable.

What are some dog training techniques?

Positive reinforcement - the giving of a treat when a desired behavior is achieved. Negative reinforcement - turning away from your dog when they are jumping on you or requesting your attention in a negative manner.