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Q: What if your neighbor needs to put a fence around her front yard and a separated fence around her bavk yard her front yard is 65 feet long and 45 feet wide and her backyard is 35 feet long and by 45?
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Related questions

What kind of fence can I build in my backyard I live on a corner with a neighbor next to my yard?

It depends on how your neighbor's yard and your own looks like. Perhaps a rectangular fence would be suitable.

Can you remove a fence that is being shared between two neighbors?

My neighbor would like to remove the fence that we share in our backyard. Is he allowed to remove the neighboring fence without my approval?

My neighbor got mad at me for hitting his fence with my dog's ball during catch What rights do I have regarding my neighbors fence in my backyard?

I suggest that you move away or throw your ball elsewhere because your neighbor has every right to tell you to avoid damaging their property.

Can I attach to my neighbor's fence?

It is not possible to attach to a neighbor's fence unless permission is given by the neighbor. It is a good idea to get any agreement in writing for attaching to the fence.

Can a neighbor attach a fence to your fence?

If the fence is yours - ie your boundary and on your land then the neighbor has no right to attach anything to it (without your permission).

What do you think about a neighbor allowing her dog in heat to run free?

I think that it is dangerous, unless the dog has a supply of water. It is easy for a dog to get dehydrated. Your dog should only be let loose in the backyard, if you have a fence. You should talk to your neighbor about letting her dog out.

What are things in your backyard start with a f?

Things in the backyard include flowers, fence and flies.

Where can you buy a backyard fence?

Hire someone to build it.

Neighbor's fence is on your property in New Mexico what can you do about it?

If the neighbor's fence is on your property in New Mexico, you can ask them to remove it. If they refuse, you can take them to civil court.

What is the definition of a good neighbor fence?

It is a fence with alternating slats on each side of the fence. The idea is for the fence to be attratcie on both sides.

The neighbor is putting up a jagged fence and the nice side is facing his property can he do this?

If your neighboring is putting up a jagged fence and the nice side is facing his property, he can do this if the fence lies on his property. The neighbor can put up the fence of his choice.

I have a rental property. The trash can dent the fence which face my side. My neighbor fix the fence and send me the bill. Do I have to pay for it?

No. If the neighbor never talked to you prior to fixing the fence, quantum meruit does not apply.