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prevalencerefers to the number of cases of disease thatexistsin a population and the incidence refers to the number of new cases of diseaseoccurringin a population.

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Q: What incidence rate and prevalence rate?
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The proportion of the population affected by a disease at a specific point in time is?

The prevalence of the disease.

When will the incidence and prevalence of a disease be equal?

The incidence will equal the prevalence when the duration of the disease is equal to the time period over which the incidence is measured.

How do you calculate average duration in epidemiology?

P/1-P where 1-P is the prevalence odds. This is true for prevalence values that are bigger. Prevalence=Incidence rate x Duration (true for small prevalences)

The incidence of a disease in a population is called what?

onset /prevalence/

What are some synonyms of the term 'incidence'?

The noun 'incidence' has many synonyms. A few of them are: frequency, percentage, prevalence, proportion, tendency, commonness, trend and extent. The meaning of incidence is the rate or frequency of which something occurs.

What is the incidence of cerebral palsy in the UK?

The incidence rate for cerebral palsy in the UK is rare. According to the statistics there is a mean annual prevalence of 2 per every 1000 live births.

What is the difference between incidence and prevalence?

Incidence is number of new cases diagnosed prevalence is the the burden of disease that is new cases plus old cases

Discuss incidence and Prevalence in epidemiology?

bob and joe

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How much is Incidence rate uti in Philippines 2009?

I really don't know...I can't find anything in the net regarding this and I really need the prevalence now for my case presentation.....hmpfff....

What is the HIV prevalence rate in Zimbabwe?

The HIV prevalence in adults is about 14.3%

What is the prevalence of drug induced myopathy?

Incidence and prevalence of DIM are unknown. Myopathy caused by corticosteroids is the most common disorder, and it is more common in women.