Half of half of half of one half is one sixteenth (0.0625).
Too bad. I don't know. Go to a more reliable source. I just proved that answers here can be half-assed. Now go cry in a corner. Yeah, yeah.
This equals one and a half.
Half would be 50% of something. So half of half would be 25% of something.
Well if you can use half,quaters,and more fractions The awnser to half + half is 1
mining from josh
No. Half-Life: Source runs on the Source engine. The original Half-Life doesn't. You cannot use mods made for the original Half-Life on Half-Life: Source because they run on different engines and it won't work.
The Half-Life source is proprietary. There is no way to legally obtain the source code, unless you work for Valve.To get the game Half-Life: Source, install Steam, , buy the game for $10, then install the game.
Biomass is the source of almost half of America's renewable energy.
Biomass is the source of almost half of America's renewable energy.
James "Buck" Buchanan Duke
Half Life Source is a direct port of the original to Valve's source engine meaning that like Half Life it is a science fiction first person shooter. The only difference between it and the original Half Life being slightly improved graphics.
Team Fortress 2 uses the source engie, which is developed by Valve.
no, but you do need a source game like Half Life, Half Life2, or Team Fortress2
Half life is the original game that was created by Valve that made them so rich and big. Half life: Source is the exact same game, but in the Source Engine. The Source Engine is the game engine that games like Team Fortress 2, Half life 2, and Portal use. Half life: Source is also said to have slightly upgraded graphics. It can also be used as content in mods or in Garry's mod.
The light intensity increases by a factor of four when you half the distance to the source. This is known as the inverse square law, where light intensity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source.
Yes, you do. You need steam and a source game such as Counter-Strike: Source. Or Half-life Source. Day of Defeat Source