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Q: What information does a box plot provide?
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What kinds of information can a box plot easily show you?

It can show you what you are talking about that is being done on the box plot.

Does box plot provide info on skewness?


Which is the only information that can be determined by looking at a box and whisker plot?

the median

How does the addition of a possible outlier on PLOT B affect the center of PLOT B relative to the center of PLOT A?

The answer will depend on what PLOT A and PLOT B are. But since you have chosen not to provide that information the answer is

How do you use the box-and-whisker plot to describe the information of height and weight?

The box-and-whisker plot is simply a visual representation. It doesn't describe anything specific like height and weight. If you don't understand what a box-and-whisker plot is, you should be asking about what a box-and-whisker plot is. This is much like asking about what a pie chart is or a bar graph is... it's meaningless without context.

A box plot is also known as a box-and-mustache plot.?


A box plot is also known as a box-and-beard plot.?


Is a box and whisker plot the same as a regular box plot?


What is an example for a box and whisker plot?

the example for the box and whisker plot is THESE NUTSS

What does a box plot tell you vs a histogram?

A box plot summarises data in five items of information: the minimum, lower quartile, median, upper quartile and maximum. The histogram gives the probability density for each group of values.

What is a Narration Box in a comic strip?

A narration box is a text box that appears in a comic strip to provide additional information about the story or the characters. It is often used to convey thoughts, emotions, or background details that may not be shown through the artwork alone. Narration boxes help to enhance the storytelling and provide context to the visuals.

What is the plot behind Professor Layton and The Diabolical Box?

The Plot is all about the Mystery of the Elysian Box. Please see the related link below to read about the Diabolical Box - Plot.