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Q: What insect order is identified by a straight line down its abdomen?
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What is the insect order that is identified by a straight line down it's abdomen?


What are the parts of an insect?

Head, thorax and abdomen are the parts of an insect. The order in which the parts are listed also is the order of their occurrence on the insect's body, from head to bottom. Other insect characteristics include two antennae, three sets of jointed legs, and compound eyes.

What are three parts on an insect's body?

The head, the thorax, and the abdomen are the three main parts of the insect. The way in which they're listed here is also the order in which they're found on the insect body, top to bottom. Additionally, insects have two antennae, three sets of jointed legs, skeletons on the outside, and compound eyes.

In order for an animal to be an insect it must have what?

6 legs a head, thorax, and abdomen (in its adult form) an exoskeleton of the Class insecta

What animal or insect has a long abdomen?

Dragonflies are known for their long, slender abdomens. They belong to the order Odonata and have elongated bodies that are typically longer than their wingspan.

What is an insect order for a butterfly?

An insect order for a butterfly is Lepidoptera.

Is hymenoptera an insect?

No, its an insect order

What are the requirements to be an insect?

Insects are defined by certain characteristics such as having six legs, three body segments (head, thorax, and abdomen), a pair of antennae, and usually wings. Additionally, they undergo a process of metamorphosis during their life cycle, typically starting as eggs, then developing into larvae, pupae, and finally adults.

How can cocoons be identified in order to distinguish between different species of insects?

Cocoons can be identified by their size, shape, color, and texture. Each species of insect creates a unique type of cocoon, which can help distinguish between different species. Scientists often use specialized tools like microscopes to examine the details of the cocoon to identify the insect species.

What is the classification of the aphid?

Insect is the classification of the aphid.Specifically, an aphid is considered a sap-sucking insect. It is an insect because it has an outer skeleton, three body parts (head, thorax, abdomen), three jointed legs, compound eyes, and one pair of antennae. It is a sap-sucker because its piercing mouthparts break into its prey's insides in order to extract internal fluids.

Is a fly an arthropod?

Yes dragonflies are arthropods. Insects are by far the most populous species of arthropods, including ants, beetles, butterflies, dragonflies and grasshoppers. Over 1 million arthropodic insect species have been identified, and the number grown on a nearly daily basis. These insects are characterized by a triple-segmented body containing a head, thorax and abdomen. Insect arthropods have 6 or more legs, two antennae and lateral, compound eyes.

In what insect order is a grasshopper?

i believe that they are of the Orthoptera order