Microscopes, telescopes, a magnifying glass, reading glasses, a concave mirror, a drop of water, a glass tube looked at from the side.
A Microscope.
Small things such as insects or a fine mesh, to larger things where precision is important - such as kitchen units and appliances.
It depends. Very small amounts of things are measured in grams, a bit larger is ounces, larger is pounds, and the largest is tons, which is 2,000 pounds.
a micrometer is 1/1000 of a millimeter. That makes it 1/1000000 meter. (six zeros). Also, the word is used to describe an instrument used for measuring small distances.
A general answer to your question would be: tools. For example, a microscope is a tool that makes it easier to understand things that are too small to observe directly. An x-ray machine is a tool that allows us to see inside of things that are too hard to see inside of directly. A knife is a tool that allows us to cut up large things to see what is inside of them.
The instrument used to make extremely small things look larger so humans can see them is a microscope.
A Microscope.
For example, a bicycle pump will do that.
A microscope is an optical instrument that makes small objects appear larger by using a combination of lenses to magnify the image of the object.
Magnifying Glass, Microscope
Magnifying glasses
It is called a Magnifying Glass. A2: or a microscope
A microscope makes small things appear larger by magnifying them. It does not change the size of the actual object, but only enlarges the image that you see through the lens.