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I would use a odometer or a trundle wheel

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Q: What instrument measures the distance between your house and the grocery store?
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magnify glass
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What instrument measures land for grocery store?

you can use a meter stick or a tape measure

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grocery is items of food provision is al the other items you need including food

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It means to look their body,or admire them from a distance.

What metric unit of measure would you use to mesure the distance from your school to a grocery store?

Type your answer here...kilometers

What instrument would be used to weigh a hamster?

Any kind of scale (there's triple beam balance's, mail scales, even scales at the grocery store.)

What is the distance between geneva and florence?

There are several coupon sites online that offer printable coupons for free. You can browse you local grocery store website for coupons. You can also find coupons

What is the Average weight of whole chicken sold in grocery stores?

The average weight of a whole chicken that is sold in grocery stores is about 4 pounds. Most whole chickens sold in grocery stores weigh between 3 and 5 pounds.

If you ride and go to bazar which is 5km away from your house to buy some grocery and return back then how many distance you have coveredhow much is your total displacement?

Total distance = 10 km Displacement = zero

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difference between the price of ration shop and grocery shop for family below poverty line

Do online grocery coupons usually have expiration dates?

Online grocery coupons are usually current with the time they are being shown. You should have an average of 6 months between expirations.