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Q: What invention made Galileo's work possible?
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How does Albert Einstein help you in your daily life?

Einstein's work in theoretical physics had many practical applications, some of which affect your daily life. The best example is the laser. Although Einstein did not invent the laser, he did produce the theoretical work which made possible the invention of the laser, and of course, lasers are now very much part of the lives of almost everyone, since they play a crucial role in computer-based manufacturing processes, in DVD or CD devices, in laser eye surgery, in fiber optic cables, etc.

What is intellectual identity?

The holder of a copyright, trademark, patent, or any other related right has certain exclusive rights to the creative work, commercial symbol, or invention which is covered by it

How do you work out the length of a rectangle with the width and an angle?

It depends on what angle. The main angles of a rectangle are all 90 degrees and knowing that does not help. If however, the angle in question is the angle made by the diagonal with one of the sides, then it is possible to use a basic trigonometric ratio to work out the length. Details will depend on which angle is given.

When was Indian number system created?

Long ago, but the invention of Zero about 200 bc is considered a crowning and vital moment. Our common number system is based on this and the further work of the Arabs.

Who was winfield diffie?

Winfield Diffie is an American cryptographer and computer security expert. He is best known for his pioneering work in public-key cryptography, along with Martin Hellman, which laid the foundation for secure communication over the internet. Diffie and Hellman's invention of public-key cryptography revolutionized modern cryptography and made secure online communication possible.

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Urban sprawl was made possible by the invention and availability of?

Urban sprawl was made possible by the invention and availability of the automobile. This invention allowed people to commute to the cities for work rather than live in them.

What would have happened much later without Galileos work?

Somebody else would probably have made the same discoveries, eventually.

What is Archimedes heat ray?

its in invention that that Archimedes made but it didnt work

What made it possible to construct skyscrapers in the 1800s?

The high-rise building was made feasible by two things- the low cost availability of structural steel framing, and the invention of the elevator. Without elevators, no one is going to want to live or work on the 35th floor of a building.

How useful is the invention?

Think of creative way to solve the problem and work hard to make that solution possible.

How did the invention of the electric light bulb help businesses become more productive?

With good lights, it was possible to work after nightfall.

Where did Nikola Tesla work when he was 19?

He worked at Budapest Telephone Exchange where he made his first invention.

How has the invention of the computer changed the work of secretaries?

The use of word processing and spreadsheet packages made it possible for professional staffs to create their own reports without having to go to a central typing pool or computer center.

What made Grinding wheat and sawing lumber easier?

The invention of water mills able to do work from the driven shaft.

Invention of the wheel?

The invention of the wheel can't be pinpointed to a person, but it can be traced back to the ancient Mesopotamians

What are the invention of Stephen hawking?

None. Theoretical physicists work on questions like the beginning of the universe, the possible end of the universe, and the Big Bang Theory.

The industrialization of the northeast made it possible for women to do what?

work in factories