

What irrational things do people do?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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βˆ™ 14y ago

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What's irrational to you, might not be irrational to them; everybody's got their reasons. That's why Jesus said, if you call someone a "fool" (i.e. someone who is irrational/unwise) you are in danger of hell fire.

But in case you're doing this for a project in school, I would say some things that can be considered irrational are: cheating on your hot wife... when you have a hot wife, and you cheat on her... that's pretty irrational... another one can be commiting suicide when you're young and seemingly successful and have the whole world ahead of you... theres others... but in the end, none of them are irrational, because everyone had their reasons for doing what they were doing. It's just cause and effect--you do what life has brought you to do... for example, it may seem irrational to work at a minimum wage job, or it may seem irrational to work at a sweat shop in Bangladesh, but people gotta do what they gotta do to get by... I dunno... :-/

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