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Q: What is -7 take away -5 then add -2?
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If there are 4 letters in a word and you take away 2 and add three more and take away 5 and add 2 then how many letters are in the word?

u will have 2 left over

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What number comes next in this pattern and what is the rule 0 2 6 3 5 9 6 8?

add 2, add 4, take away 3. I don't know if it has a name.

What is 2 take away 5?

It is 2 minus 5 = -3

How do you use subtraction?

Subtraction means to take away. So any number that you need to know, you take away the other number. Like this....5 take away 2 equals 3. Use your fingers and see. Five fingers take away two fingers leaves three fingers. Got it? Now try it with the symbols. 5-2=3. It's just the opposite of addition. You take away the number rather than add it.

What is the difference between adding and subtracting?

Adding is when you add numbers to something and subtracting is when you take them away. When you add you do not always make the number go up for example 5 + (-7)= -2.

What does -4 take away -9 then add -5 equal?

-4-(-9)+(-5) = -4+9-5 = 0

5 oranges at the store you take away three how many left?

If you take away 3 from 5 your left with 2.

How do you take away a negative number from a positive number?

Taking away a negative number is the same as adding the positive value of that number. So 5 take away (-3) = 5 add 3 = 8

 so if you have to   take away?


If there are five apples and take away three how many apples do you have?

5 apples take away 3 apples leaves you with 2 apples. 5 - 3 = 2

If there are 5 applesand you take away 3 how many do you have?

2 Apples 5-3=2